The Lower Prut represents a splendid protected area known as the “Prutul de Jos” on both the left and right sides of the Prut River. Both protected areas form a core intended for the conservation of biodiversity, part of the Danube Delta biome, with immense ecological capacities to protect the natural treasure. Annually, during these periods, over 20,000 water birds from many families/subfamilies pass through. In the lower course of the Prut River is located the “Lower Prut” Reserve, founded in 1991, based on Beleu Lake, which is a relic of the Danube lagoon. The protected area includes several lagoons, divided into sectors that actually form two fish pond systems that are supplied from the waters of the Prut, thus depending on its water level. The area is located within the village of Slobozia Mare, Cahul district. Additionally, it can be accessed from the village of Valeni. The fish ponds are part of the internationally important RAMSAR network, being one of the most important areas for water bird migration. In 1972, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted a plan to protect cultural and natural heritage through the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. In the Republic of Moldova, the natural heritage is represented by the System of State Protected Natural Areas, approved by Law No. 1538-XIII of 25.02.1988 on the state fund of protected natural areas.

The Lower Prut included a whole natural complex of channels. Each had a name: Mărioarei Channel, Starșinelei Channel, Privalul Mic, Prevalul Mare, Năvodului Channel, which started from Beleu Lake, right next to the “Cherhana” (a Turkish word – a place for fishermen to stay). All these, with the arrival of water torrents following heavy rains, poured sand and gravel into the Prut. During the spring floods, water from the Danube brings fish species in search of standing, not too deep waters that allow the normal development of fry. Beleu Lake is the main geographical component of the Lower Prut Reserve, a relic of the Danube lagoon with fresh water, formed following marine transgressions that once, together with Brateș Lake (Romania), formed a significant lagoon of the Prut River. The lake is 2 km wide, 5 km long, with an average depth of 0.5-1.5 m, and a maximum depth of 4.2 m. It covers an area of 628 hectares. Beleu Lake is mentioned during the reign of Ștefăniță Voievod (1517-1527), the nephew of Stephen the Great.